Matters need attention when using blaster

Matters need attention when using blaster

1.When blaster can only spray a small amount of sand, or even no sand, this is because there are no sand in the Sand storage tank,then turn off the gas and add the corresponding abrasives.

2.When the sandblasting gun is blocked,turn off gas and remove the nozzle to check if there is something in it,if have,clean it ,besides,need check the abrasives is dry or not,if too wet,also make the gun blocked,so must make sure compressed air dry.

3.When sandblast pipe is blocked,first turn off the gas,remove nozzle and open blaster,use high-pressure air from an air compressor to blow out the blockage.if still can not work,then need get off the pipe to clean it or change new one.

4. When the abrasives are too wet and make it can not pray sand,first clean the gun well and get the abrasives out to dry it.

5.During blasting,a lot of water appear and makes the abrasives wet,finally will block the pipe.if such things happen,dryer should be equiped.

6.If  adding abrasives too much one time lead to block and can not blast,so when add abrasives,need pay attention to the quantity,not too more or not too less.

About the abrasives used when blasting,mainly artifical abrasives and natural abrasives.

Artifical abrasives:white fused alumina,brown fused alumina,pink fused alumina,black silicon carbide,green silicon carbide,ceramic sand,free dust sand (mainly blasting glass),glass beads,steel grit and steel shot.

Natural abrasives:garnet sand,silica sand etc



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